Nobody’s ever taken my shit before! The warm green bag that lands with a thud. Based on the title, you took us to a very unexpected place. Beautiful writing. Very kind Jo! I might just have to reach out for somebody else’s shit myself. Bless you Jo!

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Your hilarious. I thought that was going to some kind of Angry Feminist thing... . and it wasnt haha.

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Oh my word, Jo! Thank you for being so wide open to the beautiful unfurling and blessing of every single day and thank you, too, for asking to carry other people's shit for them. You are a gift! XO

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Loved the energy of this piece Jo. The ripple effect of these small human moments will be huge. x

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Well, that was unexpected Jo. I am chuckling. I am uplifted by the goodness of your young man in being a responsible dog owner, and in your own goodness for taking his shit. Brilliant 🤩

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I love this story poem so much! It was not what I expected and I’m so hilariously grateful I read it!

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Good for you, Jo...good for him, the baby, the dog, the shit, and the point of it all. Kindness.

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An unexpected twist on shit. Great photos as always. And the commentary on 'what happened next' unfolding in an engaging way. Great write.

We have just gone through another big-fire-drama. Came 500m from the house. Wind in our favour held through the night. Some friends I know not so lucky, got burnt out - lost everything. The last 'big one' (in 2017, biggest firestorm in living memory) which burnt all around the house and part of the garden, I wrote a poem about. I think I'll post it as my next fortnightly poem. Today, first rain in 3 months, and more to come. Two days ago our whole world was on fire. It's now out. It's like the gods play trick or treat with people's lives & livelyhoods. (I'm still a bit hyper, I'll come down to earth soon). All the best, keep running and taking photos, Josh.

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The world is still young. Always a first time. Modern virtue and a lob and a laugh... appeciate skill. And now immaculate Spring.

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Shit happens. A bumper sticker repeats on a pollution machine. I once read the word is an acronym. From sailors jargon. It refers to cargo. Store High In Transit.

Now in this case the shit is above a possible waterline and secure. Not now today we throw shit away. Something to think about as you keep collecting shit that you have fondness for S maybe some day it could be worth something. I think shit is good for earth worms that will break it down to recover minerals to renew the soil and then one day we eat a renewed product: be it cabbage, carrot or cauliflower. Life is amazing. Thanks for your shitty load.

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